Winter Play Sessions 2024

We are delighted to announce that we will be running some outdoor play sessions during the Christmas break in Paignton and Torquay. We have secured funding from Healthy Holiday and Food Programme to run sessions offering lots of different play activities as well as providing a healthy lunch, with fun tips about good food to eat.

Additionally, all children attending will receive a Wintertime Play Pack with lots of different activities, with all the required materials included and simple instructions for children to make things themselves for the rest of the holidays. A food parcel is included too. Priority will be given to children and young people on free school meals.

The sessions are aimed at 5 -12 years but families with younger children are welcome.  Please note booking is essential and parents/carers will need to stay with any children under the age of 8, and they will need to book themselves onto the event too. There is a small booking fee of £0.75 per person, per booking using Stripe a secure online payment system.