Summer of Fun - HAF 2022
This summer we were delighted to be to be part of the government’s Holiday Activities and Food programme this summer to offer lots of outdoor fun and adventurous play sessions at our three playground sites in Torbay this summer.

Indigos Goes Green Jubilee Party
The Indigos Goes Green Jubilee Party on June 4th was a wonderful chance to mark the Queen’s Jubilee with the opportunity of bringing parents and children together again after Covid to enjoy the outdoors.

The Story of Leaf An Environmental Quest
“The Story of Leaf – An Environmental Quest” was a part of the Imagine This Festival 2022 that consisted of a 2-day collaborative production with local young people supported by Drama & Performing Arts Students from the University of Gloucestershire.

Come Into Play 2019 – 2022 Evaluation Summary
After running a three-year programme which sought to build a supportive “ecosystem” for disadvantaged families in Torbay, Clarity CIC was commissioned by Play Torbay to evaluate the programme’s impact. This report provides Clarity’s analysis of and reflections on the evidence of the programme’s impact, relationships and organisation over its three years.

Your experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) support in Torbay
As part of improving the local services a questionnaire has been developed to ensure that the views of parents and carers and the voices of young people are captured.

Play Torbay Impact Report 2021
Play Torbay provides fun, accessible play opportunities all year round including playground adventures, play days and special events. We raise awareness about the importance of play in children’s lives by actively involving parents and wider community in the wonderful benefits of play. Here is an overview of the year.

Wintertime Play Packs
Just in time for Christmas we are thrilled to announce the arrival of ‘The Wintertime Play Pack’. The activities in the book offer something for everyone from creative arts, cooking and growing projects, to outdoor fun.

Summertime Play Photo Blog
Look what a fantastic Summer of Play we’ve had in Torbay with events all across the bay at four different venues. Children and young people have had lots of fun playing with water slides, completing Harry Potter challenges, cooking bananas bread and toasting marshmallows over a fire as well as making dens and learning bush craft skills.

Summertime Play
Play Torbay is thrilled to launch Summertime Play for the #SummerOfPlay Campaign, by enabling all children, in Torbay, to have space and time for play this summer by supporting fun, friends, and freedom.

Hundreds of businesses, charities and councils from all over the UK have come together this summer to enable all children, in all our communities, to have space and time for play this summer.

The Awesome Green Play Pack
In this Play Pack we have looked for ways to provide opportunities to be outdoors and playing. Many of the sessions include a chance to do something different.

Eco Play Packs Have Arrived
We are super excited about the launch of the Eco Play Pack; it is inspired by young people who are interested in knowing about ways that we might individually and collectively help to protect our planet.

Harry Potter Play Packs
Our wonderful Harry Potter Play Packs are now ready and waiting to be played with. We hope that it brings lots of fun and helps children and young people create imaginative and exciting things over the summer.